Amy Matuza wrote Food for Thought: Twenty-Minute Life Recipes from Mom as a sneaky way to continue imparting motherly advice to her adult children after they left home by disguising it in a “cookbook”.
Each chapter focuses on an important tenet or principle and shares positive life “nuggets of wisdom” through the art of storytelling. The accounts are meant to encourage and entertain while also being thought provoking and helpful, not just for her own children, but for adult readers of all ages in need of some loving, motherly advice.
The recipes shared in this unique self-help memoir were served around Amy’s own dining table. They are perfect for college students on a budget, young adults living and cooking on their own for the first time, and anyone looking for (mostly) healthy, relatively inexpensive and easy to prepare home cooked meals.
The Hidden Joys between Points A and B Blog #15
Do you like tea? If not, maybe you should take another look at it for your happiness...
It’s not about the food, silly – the intersection between tradition and risk taking Blog #14
You may not think that risk and tradition belong in the same sentence. But, one cannot exist without the other.
The Question I Perhaps Struggle With Answering the Most Blog #13
Of late, I seem to have been answering a particular question a lot. It did not used to make me think twice to answer it – but, now? It leaves me a bit tongue tied.
The Link Between Vacationing and Cleaning Blog #12
It may sound crazy, but every time that I return home from a vacation, I go on a cleaning spree of sorts. It could be a physical house cleaning, or a mental one where I reassess my activities, goals or how I spend my time. I didn’t put two and two together until one day last month when I read a New York Times article that hit the nail on the head.
For every time there is, indeed, a season Blog #11
The first time I remember hearing about there being “a time for everything” was in the movie Footloose when Kevin Bacon is trying to convince John Lithgow that the kids of his town want to have a dance. As cheesy as it sounds, the message has stuck with me for a lifetime.